Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2012

Karakter Life Drawing: 40s business traveler

Last evening I had an amazing time at the Life Drawing Session by Karakter Studio. I did not just meet nice people, hat a great model to draw in an amazing drawing room - nope, there was also actual real eatable tasty cake!

These are the sketches from yesterday, starting with the 1 hr sketch and then going back in Time.

Tobias Mannewitz as 40s buisness Traveler at Karakter Life Drawign




3min warmup sketches

4 Kommentare:

  1. Schöne Posen hast du da gewählt, besonders mag ich den ersten! =) Bist du da fest angestellt jetzt oder war das ne einmalige Sache?


  2. hey Steffen! Danke für den Kommentar. Leider kann ich davon gar nichts auf meine Kappe schreiben ; ) die Posen wurden so angeboten und Karakter ist noch so ein paar Ligen über mir.

  3. Lovely sketches Gabriel! Your 3 mins ones are really nice and the final 1 hr drawing is fantastic! Is that marker you use for the midtones?

    1. Hey JG! Thanks! Yes I used a Faber+Castell Pitt Brush marker for them. I would have loved to use Copics instead, but at that point i did not have any (and now i think, they might have feathered out greatly on this paper). Same for Watercolors.
