Sonntag, 31. Juli 2011

The gab-shop!

Major stuff is happening!

First of all: I passed my final test before the diploma way better than I expected. I rarely heard so many good advices and had the impression, that the examining professors really, really got me. It was actually fun! Well, who would have thought after all those sleepless nights and bad starts.

But - alas! - I present to you: My webshop at DaWanda.

DaWanda is a shopportal for selfmade stuff. I wondered, how I should handle selling my Calendars and this was the Solution. Aaand, finally, my dusty buttons got a new polish and i look forward to update the shop.

Feel very invited to check it out.
Thank you!


Freitag, 15. Juli 2011

Final Documentation!

Right now I am insomniacing around, because my final exam for my studies is looming... For this I created a portfolio with everything i did in the university.

Some of the Pictures do not have a link to their full size (web)versions, because... i wished to have worked with an editor...

The hard task to complete this work in an economical (time- and production cost-wise) way, include different presentation formats (from video to photo to text-only) and yet make the whole thing one publication fitting to a presentation that i am about to give on the upcomming thurstday.

These three chapter-deviders where done for a different book. I printed them out in A1 to illustrate a presentation.

"Ein Buch muss die Axt sein für das gefrorene Meer in uns." Kafka

"Typographie, mag sie noch so armselig sein, ist niemals selbstverständlich oder auch nur zufällig." Tschichold

"... durch die Dinge durchsehen, wie wenn sie aus Glas wären" (Tucholsky)

Now... wish me luck for the final exam!

art student fuuuuu

I did this some time ago... after falling in Love with Prismacolor Ebony Sketch pencils....

I did not _draw_ this completelly... it was done in the Rage Comic Builder. I would not dare to trust myself immitating this amazing style.