Freitag, 29. April 2011

Notebook 2008-2011

Maybe somebody could also help me with the two Sodokus on the latter pages - are they even solvable without guesswork?

To escuse myself: i usually do not use this book for drawing but for keeping tracks of appointments, schedules and so on. When I happen to be on such an appointment (like class or the doctor's) i find some time to decorate the book. For drawing i usually have bigger scetchbooks or my computer. Buuuut i grew to really like this little book, even though I got tired of some of the pages. I scanned the ones for my archive that i found somehow interesting and why not sharing...
I erased names, addresses and phonenumbers, so there are some blanks. I never really intended to draw these for display, even though i scanned the one or the other previously.

Thanks for stopping by

skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab
skizzenbuch 2008 gab

Montag, 25. April 2011

Offset-Calendar 2012

I proudly present my 2012 Calendar-Edition, handprinted on an old preflight-offset-machine. They are limited to 60 pieces and I have 40 for sale. They are all unique in color (most of them in green-shades). There are even some in iris-print!


If you are interested: I sell them for 10Euro + Shipping (They will be sent in a rectangular Package for A2-Posters). Write to me at gab(a)gabrielarts(dot)de if you are interested. I will be happy to sign and send you one of the numbered versions as long as they last.

Read the making-of.

making of offset-calendar

Hey folks!

Printing on an ancient, amazing handcrafting super robot of an offset machine, I could learn a lot about how these machines actually worked and could control most of the printing process.

Luckily I have the advantage on still being in University where I can use the awesome craftshops. After 3 month of working I finished my source for the A2 calendar:

At first i wished to do a screen printing - one white layer, one black layer so i could define the color via the paper and play with textures. My professor convinced me to try out the offset-machine, because printing with the thick white color in a broad layer is a job for superman and not tiny, weakly gab!

The rough plates where etched by a professional printer and so we started on the ancient machine:

The colors where really mixed by hand on an old lithography-stone:

I planned to do the calendar in emerald/may-green and black, but there where colors like gold and neon-red and other impossible to digital-print colors, so we ran wild with them and tested some of those colors out. "We" were another student an J. B. the mastur of the offset-print-machine.

When the color had the desired shade and thickness, it got applied to the printing-cylinders.

There we could do amazing things: iris-print! That means that color is directly mixed by the printin-mashine on the cylinder and creates amazing, vibrand gradients.

AAACCITEEENTS happened as well.
For the start I was not very careful with my hands and the chemicals. Nothing burned me and nothing was too dangerous but after a while i noticed that i had the habit of running over my lips with chemecy hands... my lips burned for 2 days.

But the worse thing was the Paper-Wagon of Doom! We had two paper wagons to let the sheets dry. And whenever we came close to the left one (the one I used...) we got hit by electric current... but sometimes that strong that the hand went numb. We finally figured out, what the problem was: It had no earthing... grounding (i looked it up, but both of these words seem wrong).

Since most of my sheets where already in the wagon, i continued to use a rubber spatula to shift the papers around.

After 8 hours we printed 75 Sheets of which i selected 60 to be the official edition. 10 where brought to the Leipzig Book Fair and the other ones are now for sale and presents.

Check out some of the versions in the previous post!

Thank you for reading and hurray for offset printing!

Dienstag, 19. April 2011


I am living in an groundfloor apartment in Berlin. It is very long and right next to a playing ground (of doom) and i swear that a serial killer once lived in our basement! When we went in our cellar the first time, we found an old rusty saw, a matress and an old trolley...

But one of the perks of this apartment is the tiny guest toilet in the front. Even though it is very small and, eh, private, it never got eh... cozy in there. For some reason this room was awfully cold and just... white. So I got my paints and see, how it turned out:

Brian Viglione from the Dresden Dolls is watching you - but he will stop the truth from leaking! Even signed - a gift from Neodamus that i am eternally thankfull for.

the ceiling is quite a way up and i ran out of light color and... i gave up and it got stripy.

and this is the calendar slightly to the right from that room. it was for 2010.

aaaand for this blog an avatar and... schmeiiilieees!

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